Archive for December, 2010

Winter Arts and Crafts

Phew! What a busy week! I’ve been working furiously in my studio and at home to make more birdhouses, kits and scarves for this weekend’s Winter Arts and Crafts show.

Tomorrow should be a day to pull everything together: take stock of my inventory, create pricetags, retrieve the display components from the garage rafters. Yet the urge to keep making is so very strong, it is hard to stay focused. I have so much beautiful roving. Can’t I make just one more piece? Two more? In my mind’s eye, I see it all laid out as scarves and birdhouses, if only I could grow many more arms and charm more hours out of the night. I felted one more scarf this afternoon while assembling geode kits because I just couldn’t resist. Hopefully my mind’s eye will rest so my body can refresh tonight.

Should you want to come stock up on SpiderFelt gifts this weekend, I will be at the home of Marcie Swift, 148 N 74th St (first house directly behind 74th St Alehouse) on Saturday from 11am-4pm. As soon as the show is over, I’ll pack everything up and scoot over to my studio for the Ballard Art Walk. SevShoon and BallardWorks at 2856 NW Market St will be open from 6-9pm. Come say hello in my new space, Studio 2B; the entrance is on 30th Ave NW, around the corner and uphill from the NW Market St entrance to SevShoon.

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