Archive for March, 2012

Eggs, Chicks and Nests Class

While it may not feel like spring around Seattle with the blowing rain and near freezing temperatures, I know something fertile lies just below the surface. Before long we’ll see the first buds poking above ground.

Maybe felting something fuzzy and yellow, or bright and pink will bring warmth into your home. To help you on the way, I’m offering an introductory felt class in a few weeks: Eggs, Chicks and Nests on Thursday, March 29th or Sunday, April 1, 1-4pm. This is a great place to start if you’ve always wondered what the difference is between needlefelting and wetfelting. We will try both methods so students can learn how each technique can be used best.

We will needlefelt some blobs of yellow into chick shapes, wrap big rocks to create hollow egg forms and pull together some nests for these creatures to call home.


These photos were lifted from a post I wrote two years ago. If you’d like to see another style of nest, I wrote a tutorial after felting with my daughter’s second grade class several years ago.

Calling Seattle’s homeschooling community: young students are welcome to participate when accompanied by an adult. Special family pricing for parents with several students.

Pre-registration and payment required.

2012 Felt Class Schedule

At long last, a schedule of classes for the rest of 2012 has been posted. Phew! That was a long time coming.

Most classes are offered twice this year, once on a weekday afternoon and once on a weekend. If there is a class you would really like to take, but can’t attend the scheduled date, drop me a note and we will work on making something happen.

There are two more classes to be added to the list, still waiting for photographs. Jellyroll Beads and Felt Hats will be added in a few weeks once the samples are ready for pictures.

Thank you for your patience.

Flickr Photos
