Archive for January, 2013

Inviting the Spirit

A very special commission came my way recently: a liturgical stole for the ordination of a Lutheran minister.


The only direction I was given was with regards to color: deep orange shading through red to burgundy. My first step was to order some custom dyed merino roving from WoolGatherings on Etsy.


After felting several large pieces with four layers of roving, I cut them into small slices, then arranged them into a vague color progression, trying to keep a bit of randomness in the sort. Next I sewed the strips together with a zigzag stitch, abutting the edges.

The last element was a ball of flames symbolizing the Holy Spirit. I cut a piece of silk paper then machine stitched it in place.

The final piece filled my studio with a fiery warmth. It was an honor to create something of such significance.



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