Forming Felt Flowers

I’ve started experimenting with forming three dimensional objects, specifically felt flowers. Following are some pictures from my work in progress:


1. After creating a multi-layered batt, I squirted it with a solution of hot, soapy water, then rolled it in a rectangle of bubble wrap.


2. I unfurled the bubble wrap after rolling it back and forth fifty times to check on the progress. Since I want this to continue felting in a 3D shape, I decided to stop before the piece of flat felt became too rigid.


3. Needing a rough guide for cutting, I created a template out of a recycled cereal box and laid it over the flat felt.


4. Cut away the shape.


5. Fold it over a thin dowel and load it up with more hot, soapy water solution.


6. Wrap it up again, this time securing it with rubber bands to keep the package secure; roll, roll, roll.


7. Unwrap to check on the progress; the flat felt should start to become solid around the end, and the petals will start to stick to each other.


8. Stop when it achieves the shape you like and hang to dry.


To finish this piece off, I created a stem by wrapping roving around a piece of floral wire. A tip I read in Hand Felted Jewelry and Beads by Carol Huber Cypher suggested wrapping the wire in floral tape to help the wool adhere to the wire. Make sure you bend the tips of the wire to create a blunt end. The stem is attached to the flower with a little needle felting and voila!


3 Responses to “Forming Felt Flowers”

  1. 1 Ann Tuesday, April 17, 2007 at 4:17 pm

    Thank you for another great idea to try out. Your tip about using
    floral wire reminded me that I used pipe cleaners to do the same thing.
    I don’t know what they call them now but because they’re already covered you don’t have to wrap them to make the roving adhere.

  2. 2 floresita Thursday, June 21, 2007 at 11:26 am

    Wow, that looks wonderful!!

  3. 3 Vicky Monday, February 2, 2009 at 12:55 am

    Wow – I just stumbled accross your space while I was looking for tips on felting. Your felt flowers are just AMAZING!!!!!

    I really want to have a go at felting – is there a good beginners felting book you could recommend?

    Thanks! I’m off to check out some more of your work…..

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